Chen XIAO, Stefan VAN VLIET, Roland BLIEM, Bart WEBER, Steve FRANKLIN: Electrochemically-stimulated nanoscale mechanochemical wear of silicon. Friction (2023), https://doi.org/10.1007/s40544-023-0764-4
Felix Cassin, Rachid Hahury, Thibault Lançon, Steve Franklin and Bart Weber: The Nucleation, Growth, and Adhesion of Water Bridges in Sliding Nano-Contacts. Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol.158, Issue 22, https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0150276.
Cyrian Leriche, Chen Xiao, Steve Franklin, Bart Weber: From atomic attrition to mild wear at multi-asperity interfaces: The wear of hard Si3N4 repeatedly contacted against soft Si. Wear 528–529 (2023) 204975, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wear.2023.204975
Junxiao Du, Steve Franklin, Bart Weber: A force controlled tribometer for pre-sliding measurements at the nanometer scale, Front. Mech. Eng 9:1019979 (2023), https://doi.org/10.3389/fmech.2023.1019979
Chen Xiao, Liang Peng, Cyrian Leriche, Feng-Chun Hsia, Bart Weber, Steve Franklin: Capillary adhesion governs the friction behavior of electrochemically corroded polycrystalline diamond, Carbon 205 (2023), 345-352, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.carbon.2023.01.050
Chen Xiao, Fiona Elam, Stefan van Vliet, Roland Bliem, Simon Lépinay, Noushine Shahidzadeh, Bart Weber, Steve Franklin: Intercrystallite boundaries dominate the electrochemical corrosion behavior of polycrystalline diamond. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.carbon.2022.08.038
Chen Xiao, Feng-Chun Hsia, Alexander Sutton-Cook, Bart Weber, Steve Franklin, Polishing of polycrystalline diamond using synergies between chemical and mechanical inputs: A review of mechanisms and processes. Carbon 196 (2022) 29–48, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.carbon.2022.04.028
Cyrian Leriche, Steve Franklin, Bart Weber, Measuring multi-asperity wear with nanoscale precision, Wear 498–499 (2022) 204284, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wear.2022.204284.
Feng-Chun Hsia, Chao-Chun Hsu, Liang Peng, Fiona M. Elam, Chen Xiao, Steve Franklin, Daniel Bonn, Bart Weber: The contribution of capillary adhesion to friction at macroscopic solid-solid interfaces, PHYSICAL REVIEW APPLIED 17, 034034 (2022), https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevApplied.17.034034
Feng-Chun Hsia, Steve Franklin, Pierre Audebert, Albert M. Brouwer, Daniel Bonn, Bart Weber: Rougher is more slippery: How adhesive friction decreases with increasing surface roughness, due to the suppression of capillary adhesion, PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH 3, 043204 (2021), https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevResearch.3.043204.
Feng-Chun Hsia, Fiona Elam, Daniel Bonn, Bart Weber, Steve Franklin: Tracing single asperity wear in relation to macroscale friction during running-in, Tribology International 162 (2021) 107108, DOI:10.1016/j.triboint.2021.107108
Fiona M. Elam, Feng-Chun Hsia, Stefan van Vliet, Roland Bliem, Liuquan Yang, Bart Weber, Steve E. Franklin: The influence of corrosion on diamond-like carbon topography and friction at the nanoscale, Carbon 179 (2021) 590-599.
Feng-Chun Hsia, Fiona M. Elam, Daniel Bonn, Bart Weber, Steve E. Franklin, Wear particle dynamics drive the difference between repeated and non-repeated reciprocated sliding, Tribology International 142 (2020) 105983.
Greg Hofmann, Steve Franklin, Philippe Jubin, Nicole Smulders, Annabelle Gallois-Bernos, Pierre Gerligand, Lutz-Christian Gerhardt, Sanne Valster, In vitro method for determining corneal tissue damage due to contact lens frictional forces, Contact Lens & Anterior Eye 41S (2018) S1–S37.
S. E. Franklin , J. Baranowska, C. P. Hendriks, J. Piwowarczyk & M. Nachman, Comparison of the Friction Behavior of Occluded Human Skin and Synthetic Skin in Dry and Moist Conditions, Tribology Transactions, Vol. 60, 2017, Issue 5, pp. 861-872.
Christopher Noble, Olaf van der Sluis, Ruud Voncken, Oliver Burke, Steve E. Franklin, Roger Lewis, Zeike Taylor “Simulation of arterial dissection by a penetrating external body using cohesive zone modelling”, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, March 2017, DOI: 10.1016/j.jmbbm.2017.03.004.
Luciana E Bostan, Christopher Noble, Nicole Smulders, Roger Lewis, Matt J Carré, Steve Franklin, Nicola H Green, Sheila MacNeil “Measurement of friction-induced changes in pig aorta fibre organization by non-invasive imaging as a model for detecting the tissue response to endovascular catheters”, Biotribology, Feb 2017. DOI: 10.1016/j.biotri.2017.02.003
Christopher Noble, Nicole Smulders, Roger Lewis, Matt J. Carré, Steve E. Franklin, Sheila MacNeil, Zeike A. Taylor “Controlled peel testing of a model tissue for diseased aorta”, J. of Biomechanics, 2016, DOI: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2016.09.040.
Kiran H.J. Dellimore, Arjan J.G. Mank, Jacek Wojnowski, Chris Noble, Steven E. Franklin, “Evaluation of catheter-induced tribological damage to porcine aorta using infra-red spectroscopy”, Biotribology 7 (2016) 11–21, doi:10.1016/j.biotri.2016.07.002
Raman Maiti, Lutz-Christian Gerhardt, Zing S. Lee, Robert A. Byers, Daniel Woods, José A. Sanz Herrera, Steve E. Franklin, Roger Lewis, Stephen J. Matcher, Matthew J. Carré, “In vivo measurement of skin surface strain and subsurface layer deformation induced by natural tissue stretching, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 2016, DOI: 10.1016/j.jmbbm.2016.05.035
Xuesong Hu ; Raman Maiti ; Joseph Boadi ; Wei Li ; Matt J. Carré ; Roger Lewis ; Steven E. Franklin ; Stephen J. Matcher “Optical coherence elastography for human finger-pad skin deformation studies”, Proc. SPIE 9710, Optical Elastography and Tissue Biomechanics III, 97100C (March 9, 2016); doi:10.1117/12.2212308.
X. Hu ; R. Maiti ; X. Liu ; L. C. Gerhardt ; Z. S. Lee ; R. Byers ; S. E. Franklin ; R. Lewis ; S. J. Matcher ; M. J. Carré “Skin surface and sub-surface strain and deformation imaging using optical coherence tomography and digital image correlation”, Proc. SPIE 9710, Optical Elastography and Tissue Biomechanics III, 971016 (March 9, 2016); doi:10.1117/12.2212361
Christopher Noble, Nicole Smulders, Nicola H. Green, Roger Lewis, Matt J. Carre, Steve E. Franklin, Sheila MacNeil, Zeike A. Taylor “Creating a model of diseased artery damage and failure from healthy porcine aorta”, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 60 (2016) 378–393. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jmbbm.2016.02.018.
M. Nachman, S.E. Franklin “Artificial Skin Model simulating dry and moist in vivo human skin friction and deformation behaviour”, Tribology International 97 (2016), 431–439, doi:10.1016/j.triboint.2016.01.043.
G. Hofmann, P. Jubin, P. Gerligand, A. Gallois-Bernos, S. Franklin, N. Smulders, L-C. Gerhardt, S. Valster, “In-Vitro Method for Determining Corneal Tissue Friction and Damage due to Contact Lens Sliding”, Biotribology, Jan 2016, doi: 10.1016/j.biotri.2016.01.001.
Niemczyk A, El Fray M, Franklin SE, “Friction behavior of hydrophilic lubricious coatings for medical device applications”, Tribology International (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.triboint.2015.02.003i.
S. Mundra, V. Mohan, J. Gwyer, N. Young, S.E. Franklin, L.-C. Gerhardt, “Hardness, friction and wear studies on Hydrogen peroxide treated bovine teeth”, Tribology International, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.triboint.2014.12.024
Kiran H. Dellimore, Steve E. Franklin, Annika R. Helyer “A Review of Catheter Related Complications during Minimally Invasive Transcatheter Cardiovascular Intervention with Implications for Catheter Design”, Cardiovascular Engineering and Technology (CVET), DOI: 10.1007/s13239-014-0183-9, May 2014.
S.E. Franklin, J. Baranowska, J. Furgala, J. Piwowarczyk “Friction of natural human, porcine and synthetic skin”, Proc. 5th International Conference on Mechanics of Biomaterials and Tissues, Sitges, Spain, 8-12 Dec. 2013.
J. Piwowarczyk, R. Jedrzejewski, J. Baranowska, S.E. Franklin “Poly (ethylene glycol) thin films obtained by Pulsed Electron Beam Deposition”, Proc. 5th International Conference on Mechanics of Biomaterials and Tissues, Sitges, Spain, 8-12 Dec. 2013.
S.E. Franklin, J. Furgala, J. Baranowska “Preliminary comparative studies of the friction behaviour of natural and synthetic skin”, Proc. European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes EUROMAT 2013, Sevilla, Spain, 8-13 Sept. 2013.
K. H. Dellimore, A. R. Helyer, S. E. Franklin “A scoping review of important urinary catheter induced complications”, J Mater Sci: Materials in Medicine (2013) 24:1825–1835, DOI 10.1007/s10856-013-4953-y.
S. E. Tomlinson, R. Lewis, M. J. Carré, S.E. Franklin “Human Finger Friction in Contacts with Ridged Surfaces”, Wear (2013), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.wear.2012.12.039.
S.E. Tomlinson, M.J. Carré, R. Lewis, S.E. Franklin: “Human finger contact with small, triangular ridged surfaces”, Wear 271 (2011), 2346-2353.
C.P. Hendriks, S.E. Franklin: “Influence of surface roughness, material and climate conditions on the friction of human skin”, Tribology Letters, Volume 37, Issue 2 (2010), Page 361, DOI 10.1007/s11249-009-9530-7.
S.E. Franklin, P. Kochmański: "Friction behaviour of textured silicone rubber against human skin", Proc. World Tribology Congress, Kyoto, Sept. 2009.
M. Kwiatkowska, S.E. Franklin, C.P. Hendriks, K. Kwiatkowski: “Friction and deformation behaviour of human skin”, Wear 267 (2009) 1264–1273.
S.E. Franklin, Invited paper “Coating selection and tribological testing for engineering equipment applications”, Tribotest 14 (2008), 63-80.
S.E.Franklin, Invited paper “From Wear Model Prediction to Real Life Failure”, in proc. Conf. STLE Annual Meeting, Cleveland, USA, 19-22 May, 2008.
M. Kwiatkowska, S.E. Franklin, C.P. Hendriks: “Simultaneous Measurement of Skin Deformation and Friction” in Proc. Conf. “Wear, Friction and Wear Protection”, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Metallkunde (DGM), Aachen, Germany, 9-11 April 2008.
J. Baranowska, S.E. Franklin, Characterization of Gas-nitrided Austenitic Steel with an Amorphous/Nanocrystalline Top Layer, Wear 264 (2008), 899-903.
A. Matthews, S.E. Franklin, K. Holmberg, Invited paper “Tribological Coatings: Contact Mechanisms and Selection”, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 40 (2007), 5463-5475.
S.E. Franklin, J. Baranowska, Conditions affecting the sliding tribological performance of selected coatings for high vacuum bearing applications, Wear, 263 (2007), 1300-1305
J. Baranowska, S.E. Franklin, A. Kochmańska, Wear behaviour of nitrided austenitic stainless steel in a corrosive liquid environment, Wear, 263 (2007), 669-673.
S.E. Franklin, R.W.M. Severt, J.B. Post, Improvement of the seizure resistance of orifice-type aerostatic bearings (case study). Wear, 261 (2006), 41-45.
J. Baranowska, S.E. Franklin, C.P. Pelletier, Tribological Behaviour and mechanical properties of low temperature gas nitrided stainless steel in relation to layer morphology. Wear, 259 (2005), 432-438.
S.E. Franklin, A. de Kraker “Investigation of Counterface Surface Topography Effects on the Wear and Surface Transfer Behaviour of a POM-20% PTFE Composite”, Wear, 255 (2003), 766-773.
S.E. Franklin, R. Severt, “Ongoing Investigation of the Performance Degradation of HDD’s in relation to AV Streaming Application Conditions”, in: Digest of the Asia Pacific Magnetic Recording Conference APMRC 2002, Singapore, August 2002, (IEEE 2002, ISBN 0-7803-7509-2).
S.E. Franklin, R. Severt, “Degradation of AV Streaming Performance of Hard Disk Drives at Elevated Temperature”, in: Proc. 13th Ann. Symp. on Information Storage and Processing Systems, ISPS 2002, Santa Clara University, USA, June 2002, (ASME International).
S.E. Franklin, R. Severt, “A Preliminary Lifetime Performance Degradation Model for Hard Disk Drives in Consumer Electronics Applications”, in: Proc. 12th Ann. Symp. on Information Storage and Processing Systems, ISPS 2001, Santa Clara University, USA, June 2001, (ASME International).
S.E. Franklin, “Wear Experiments with Selected Engineering Polymers and Polymer Composites under Dry Reciprocating Sliding Conditions”, Wear, 251 (2001), 1591-1598.
S.E. Franklin, “Lifetime Design with the Aid of an Expert System”, de Constructeur, Nr. 1996/5 (May 1996), 24-29 (in Dutch).
S.E. Franklin, J.A. Dijkman, “The implementation of tribological principles in an expert system (PRECEPT) for the selection of metallic materials, surface treatments and coatings in engineering design”, Wear, 181-183 (1995), pp.1-10.
P. Robinson, A. Matthews, K.G. Swift, S.E. Franklin, “A Computer Knowledge Based System for Surface Coating and Material Selection”, Surf. Coat. Technol., 62 (1993), 662-668.
A. Matthews, K. Holmberg, S.E. Franklin, “A Methodology for Coating Selection” in Thin Films in Tribology (Ed. D.Dowson et al), 1993, Elsevier. (Proc. 19th Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology, Leeds, 8-11 Sept., 1992).
S.E. Franklin, J. Beuger, “A Comparison of the Tribological Behaviour of Several Wear-Resistant Coatings”, Surf. Coat. Technol., 54/55 (1992), 459-465.
S.E. Franklin, “The Wear Behaviour and Practical Performance of Coated Tools for Metal Stamping”, in: Proc. 5th Int. Congress on Tribology Eurotrib ’89, Helsinki, June 1989.
S.E. Franklin, “The Performance of PVD and CVD Hard Coatings on Tools for Metal Stamping and Plastics Injection Moulding Applications”, in: Plasma Surface Engineering Vol. 2 (editors E. Broszeit et al), pp. 845-852, DGM Informationsgesellschaft mbH 1989.
S.E. Franklin, “The Characterisation of Thin Ceramic Coatings”, Klei/Glas/Keramiek, Nr. 3 (1989), 76-78 (in Dutch).
S.E. Franklin, R.A. Stark, “Further Use of Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry in the Study of Graphite Morphology Control in Cast Irons”, in: Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings Vol. 34 “The Physical Metallurgy of Cast Iron”, Editors H. Fredriksson and M. Hillert, Elsevier 1985.
S. E. Franklin & R. A. Stark (1984) Application of secondary ion mass spectrometry to study of graphite morphology in cast iron, Metal Science, 18:4, 187-200, DOI:10.1179/030634584790420186